ACE Booking respects the privacy rights of visitors to our website and is committed to protecting the information about you or your organisation that we may collect. We have adopted a privacy policy that governs how we collect, use, disclose, update and protect the information you provide online to us, and when and how we delete such information. Please read this Privacy Policy carefully before you use ACE Booking .

Visitors to ACE Booking  website from outside of the UK are advised that our privacy policy is intended to meet the laws and requirements of the UK, and which may not necessarily be the same as the laws and regulations of your home country. Any information that you provide to Dice Pizza online will be treated in accordance with the laws and regulations that govern and apply to the UK.

When you follow a hyperlink displayed on our website, you may be leaving ACE Booking ‘s website and entering another website for which our privacy policy does not apply. Be aware that you may not necessarily be informed that you are leaving our website. Following a link from one of our websites may or may not open in a new browser window. Therefore, before providing any personal information which may be requested from you, you should first verify the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) or the hypertext transfer protocol (http) address displayed by your web browser to confirm whether or not you are still accessing a website operated by Dice Pizza. If not, this privacy policy will not apply to your visit.

You should carefully review the privacy statements or policies on any other site that you visit or wish to send e-mail to because those privacy statements or policies will apply to your visit and e-mail sent to that site and may be very different from ACE Booking  privacy policy.

What information is collected and for what purpose is it being collected?

Dice Pizza may collect demographic and aggregate information from its online visitors who access its sites. Demographic information is anonymous information, which may include age, gender and geographic location. Aggregate information is data about a group or category of services or users from which individual identities have been removed. Specifically we may be interested in how you use a service, and this information may be collected and combined with information about how others use the same services, but no personal information is associated to this information. Therefore, demographic information and aggregate information are not considered personal information as neither is linked to an identifiable individual.

Newsletter, reservations form and e-mail

There is a newsletter mailing list option on ACE Booking  website. The system will record your e-mail address and other information only if volunteered to us by you. This shall be treated as proprietary and confidential. If you subscribe, we will email you periodically with news, offers and website updates. You can remove yourself from the mailing list at any time by replying with a blank message with in the subject heading only the words “UNSUBSCRIBE”. Your email address is not passed on to third parties.

In the case of a user requesting that we contact them, we would require some personal contact information such as their name, e-mail address and possibly a phone number. This information will not be posted on our website and will be kept confidential.

To the extent an online form or an e-mail submitted by a user contains personal information, we will only use such personal information to the extent it is necessary to respond to any comment or question from such user. We will limit access to such personal information and will keep such personal information in a secure system. Although most online forms and e-mail messages submitted by users are deleted after we respond, in certain cases hard copies

or data extracts may be kept on file. Any such copy or any such information, to the extent it is personal, will also be stored in a secure location.

Use of cookies, Web Beacons and Log Files

ACE Booking  may choose at any time to use cookies on their web site. Cookies are small text files placed on your hard drive when you visit a web site. These files identify your computer and record your preferences and other data about your visit so that when you return to the site, the site knows who you are and can personalize your visit. The cookies used on our sites are not linked to any personal information about you.

In general, we may use cookies to collect information so that we can determine how to improve our sites by seeing which areas, features and products are most popular; to personalize the site and make recommendations based on products you have examined while visiting our site as well as to improve the site experience. As already mentioned, the information collected by the cookies we use is not personal information insofar as it is not identifiable to you specifically. As technology advances and cookies provide more functionality, we expect to utilize them in different ways. As we do so, we will update this Policy to provide you with more information.

Most browsers are automatically set to accept cookies. You can disable cookies or set your browser to alert you when cookies are being sent. However some areas may not function properly if you do so. There are many sources for additional information about Internet cookies, and we encourage anyone concerned about the use of cookies to do more research on the topic so you can make an informed decision about accepting them from any site.

In general, we only use log files to monitor traffic on our website and to troubleshoot technical problems. In the event of abuse, however, we may block certain IP addresses.

What safeguards does ACE Booking  use to protect my personal information?

ACE Booking  maintains reasonable safeguards in an effort to ensure the security, integrity and privacy of the personal information we collect. We also have implemented reasonable security measures in an effort to protect against the loss, misuse and alteration of the information under our control. Personal information collected by ACE Booking  is stored in secure repositories that are not available to the public and access to that information is limited to employees who need the information to provide you with our products or services.

Changes to this Policy

We reserve the right to make changes in this policy. If we make such changes, we will post the changes and change the date at the top of the policy. Please check back from time to time to ensure you are aware of any changes in our privacy practices.

Where and how to ask questions or file complaints

If you have any questions, complaints, or comments regarding our Privacy Policy statement or practices, please send an e-mail to the following address: